Help, a Diamond Fell Out of My Ring!

When selling, jewelers rarely bring up the subject of diamonds falling out. Understandably so! Who wants to think of that when making an emotional purchase? However it happens all the time. You might want to inform your customer so they are prepared if it does happen. The right information 
could prevent future headaches.

Compare a diamond falling out to a car. If a customer buys a car and hits something, the buyers is responsible. Rings get knocked around all day and if they do not check the prongs, the customer is responsible in the same manner. Using a car analogy to help explain this, might lead to a more agreeable customer.
  1. Prongs weaken over time! Getting caught on clothes, dropped, and simply being worn every day 
    can take its toll on prongs. 
  2. Gold is soft! It will bend.
  3. Sizing can increase the chance of losing stones! When a ring is sized the angle of the prongs changes too. 
  4. Try not to sleep with rings on! Prongs can catch on blankets and bend
  5. Do not clean jewelry with toothpaste! It can scratch metal and harden under stones
  6. Check for loose stones! Poke diamond with a pencil.


Teach Your Customers
Maybe you want to make a brochure of jewelry care tips.
Or maybe you want to include the info in an e-mail blast to customers.

The jeweler is often stuck with the bill even if the customer never had their prongs checked. As a jeweler try to get the customer to take some responsibility. Remind them that swimming pools, bleach, and even some makeup can weaken the metal. Also remind them wear and tear is the same with everything. Cars and houses need maintenance,  jewelry does too.

REMEMBER: GIA does NOT print duplicatesKeep track of those certs! 

A Diamond Fell Out! Who is Responsible?
David Geller says the average amount Jewelers give away on replacing lost stones is $3,000-$5,000/yr!
David reminds us that we might not be charging enough for our repairs. Let’s say you size a ring and 2 months later a stone falls out. YOU are the one who will be blamed. To combat this you should charge an extra $25. Explain to your customer that a ring sizing will be $39 but for $25 more you will check all the prongs and secure any loose diamonds. Doing more work should get you more pay. Taking on more liability down the road should get you more pay! Think of it as them buying insurance. As David Geller always say; repairs are trust-sensitive not price-sensitive!
