Make Facebook Work for You


As a former business owner in the retail space, my partner and I knew what it meant to face challenges. These challenges could range from the day-to-day “running a business” issues, to people problems, to dealing with local ordinance, the up and downs of revenue, the list goes on.  As we all know, small business owners wear almost every hat. Personally, what made jumping through all these hoops worth it was bringing in new customers while still collecting revenue from my returning clientele. Word of mouth was it as far as marketing went; you treated your customers well and people flocked to you. In 2018, it may seem harder than ever to find new clients, and we all know that competition is coming from every direction. There is a silver lining here, and that is there are a lot of online platforms that you can use to ensure that your brand is securing the visibility is needs to thrive.

Ensuring that your brand is strong starts at the counter, one client at a time, year after year, but you need to keep that chirp going in your clientele’s ear. When PawnMaster brought text messaging to the market, it was a great success for the simple reason that everyone texts. The statistics we came across when developing our text platform were staggering, but we couldn’t begin to imagine what online held in store.

There are a lot of sites out there. Over a billion, in fact. Why try to swim upstream with sites that don’t get the visibility?  You need to be where your customers are everyday. Facebook is the third most visited website in the world. It’s more than a platform, it’s a gift that will keep on giving to a lot business owners for a very long time. Daily usage is off the charts and the demographics literally span every age group. With the launch of our Facebook integration, we’re excited for what this means for PawnMaster nation, but we all also excited for every business owner out there who is using or even thinking about using this ever-expanding platform. The sky truly is the limit.

